I believe for the last 4 or 5 months I have been suffering at the hands of criminals who have figured out how to use electricity via a DBS to cause real changes in the body.
One of the first demonstrations of this was extreme pain in my left testicle. It was late at night, and I had been lying in bed trying to sleep. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain as if I had been kicked that did not go away. I immediately sat up in agony. I had no idea what was causing the pain, but it did feel like it was external at the time. I woke my partner up and asked her to drive me to EMH, which she did. We sat in the parking garage for 20 minutes or so while I was still in pain contemplating whether to go inside with no health insurance. A quick search online made it seem like I suffered a torsion, which is a medical emergency. The pain did start to subside; I opted not to go inside. Months later, I don’t think what I suffered was a torsion and I don’t think the pain was coming from something external per se.
The next demonstration was after I moved. I started hearing a loud ringing in my ears that no one else around me could hear. One of the nights it was so loud and affecting my consciousness so much I contemplated suicide. Thankfully, that only lasted one night, and it went away.
Then I started to get a pain in my chest that would come and go at random times with a random duration. It was around this time I figured out if I plug my nose and ears, I can immediately dull or stop the pain completely. This continued for a long time, until it got so bad I started talking about it online. I would literally have to hold my nose plugged while driving a vehicle to avoid suffering chest pain. It took about a week of talking about it before that pain went away, and it moved to a pain in my neck. At random times I would get a pain shooting up from my shoulder to the base of my neck.
Yesterday, the pain was in my gums. The pain feels like it is caused by electricity. Apparently, with a DBS you can cause a lot of pain to someone in a way that medical professionals and police do not care about. None of my friends know how to help, and it’s really sad that the first default in society is to point to mental health. The police have threatened to have me institutionalized for reporting this.
This entire time I feel like my bowels move at the mercy of the person torturing me. I have only been allowed to pass stool twice in the last month. My body just does not feel the urge at all, unless the criminal indicates they will allow me to pass stool that day. I shit you not, they press a button and shit literally just comes out. Well, more like my body is allowed to do what it desperately wants to do.
I do feel like I’m coming down with some kind of infection today, and I don’t think that’s something that can be fully simulated by these criminals. Even if they are caught today, I feel like I will be dealing with another issue.